4.7 ( 707 ratings )
Sport Games Actie
1.99 USD

Random Attacks allows males and females of all ages to compete against each other on a level par. The competition is safe giving the competitor a chance to test their reactions and execute their Ju-Jitsu defences in a realistic yet controlled environment.

The object of Random Attacks is for the defender to re-act swiftly to the attack and defeat the attacker with short, sharp, effective defences.

The Competition is divided into various levels of competency which is the equivalent to the students Belt grade/rank.
Therefore the lower the belt the fewer and less difficult are the attacks whereas the higher the belt the more difficult and demanding the attacks are to challenge the students ju jitsu skills.
Random attacks have been developed now since the 1990s and are a major part of the British and international Ju Jitsu championships.